Thomas Eye Group Surgery Center

Thomas Eye Surgery Center Pre-Op Instructions

Restrictions on Eating and Drinking:

  1. You may NOT have food after midnight, including GUM and MINTS.
    1. Clear liquids allowed up to 6 hours before surgery. The last drink should be no more than 1 regular cup size (8 oz)
    2. Clear Liquids include: water, clear tea, black coffee, (do not add any milk, cream or creamer) apple juice, Sprite, Ginger-ale, Powerade, infant electrolyte solutions. NO ALCOHOL, and no tomato juice.


A nurse from MAK Anesthesia will call you with instructions on medications you currently take, this includes all OTC medications as well. IF you have questions, please contact: Pre-Op Anesthesia Nurse Line: (770) 702-1806 Ext. 213 or 203

If you are on dialysis:

  1. Dialysis must be done the day prior to the surgery.
  2. The morning of the surgery you MUST get a STAT post dialysis potassium.


A nurse from MAK Anesthesia will call you with instructions on what to bring with you the day of surgery for your COPD/Asthma. If you have questions, please contact: Pre-Op Anesthesia Nurse Line: (770) 702-1806 Ext. 213 or 203


If you get sick prior to day of surgery with a congested cough, Upper respiratory Infection, shortness of breath, flu symptoms or fever greater than 100 degrees, please notify your surgeon’s office or Thomas Eye Surgery Center. You may need to be rescheduled depending on your symptoms.


If you take medications for High blood pressure or diabetes, please notify Thomas Eye and your PCP if you notice any abnormal readings. If your BP is very high or if your blood sugar is greater than 300 you are at risk for cancellation the day of surgery.

General Instructions:

  1. You must have a responsible adult, over 18 years old, come with you to the surgery center, remain with you, and drive you home or surgery will be canceled. They are welcome to bring a drink, snacks, books, electronics, etc. to pass time. Free wireless access is available. Also bring a sweater/jacket. Our waiting room can become chilly. If you are having general anesthesia, someone must stay with you at home for 24 hours post operatively.
  2. Please wash your face prior to surgery. Pay close attention to washing your eyelashes in a back-and-forth motion. Please wear warm, loose, comfortable clothes.
  3. Please DO NOT wear makeup, facial lotion, hairspray or hair gels or jewelry.
  4. Please make sure you have started your eye drops (if instructed to do so) and make sure you have picked up all your post op eye drops before surgery. Alert staff if you have you have not started them prior to surgery.
  5. Please BRING insurance cards, photo ID, and sunglasses, and any inhalers you use. Bring your advance directive (if applicable).
  6. Please arrive at your arrival time.

For questions, please fill out the form below and someone from our team will get back with you within 24 business hours.

Thomas Eye Group