Thomas Eye Group


Main Phone Number: 770.928.4544
Fax Number: 770.928.8609
Billing Department: 678.892.2020
Contact Lens: 678.287.7655
Medical Records: 678.781.7311
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm
Optical Hours: Opens at 8:00 am

Comprehensive Eye Care

Thomas Eye Group is committed to providing quality, comprehensive eye care to our patients in our clinics through our internal network of highly trained eye specialists. Our doctors and clinical staff uniquely focus on examinations, treatment options, and follow-up care, providing the best and most convenient solution for each patient.

With locations all around Greater Atlanta, Thomas Eye Group is a part of your community.

If you don’t see the service you are looking for, visit our services page and find the location nearest to you.


Mark N. Berman, MD, is a board-certified Ophthalmologist serving our Woodstock patients with a fellowship in glaucoma. He joined Thomas Eye Group in 2002 and practices general ophthalmology with a special interest in glaucoma and cataract surgery.

Comprehensive Ophthalmologist & Glaucoma Specialist

Pediatric Ophthalmologist

Retina Specialist

Lakhvir Singh, OD, is a board-certified Comprehensive Optometrist serving our Woodstock patients. He specializes in comprehensive eye examinations, with an emphasis on contact lens fitting.

Comprehensive Optometrist


149 Towne Lake Parkway
, Suite 102

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