Retinal Detachment

What is a retinal detachment?

A retinal detachment is a serious, sight-threatening condition that occurs when the eye’s vitreous gel pulls on the retina and creates a retinal tear. When fluid passes through the tear or hole in the retina tissue, it lifts the retina from the back of the eye, creating a retinal detachment.

What are the risk factors associated with retinal detachment?

What are the warning signs of a retinal detachments?

Retinal Detachment Diagnosis and Treatment

The retina doctors at Thomas Eye Group will use a light magnification instrument to view the inside of your eye. If you are diagnosed with a retinal detachment, your doctor will discuss possible treatment options.

Laser Photocoagulation

With this procedure, your retina surgeon directs a laser through a contact lens or ophthalmoscope to burn the area around the retinal tear, welding the retina to the back tissue of the eye.


In this procedure, your retina surgeon uses intense cold to freeze the location of the retinal tear and weld the retina to the eyewall. Discomfort is minimal and can be alleviated with medication.

Scleral Buckle

In this procedure, your retina surgeon places a silicone band around the outside of the eye to help the retina re-attach.


In this procedure, your retina surgeon removes the vitreous gel through small incisions and performs detailed work on the surface of the retina. Then the eye is filled with a saline, air, gas, or silicone oil. This procedure is typically performed without using general anesthesia in our retina surgery center. The patient is awake, but the eye is asleep and pain-free. Many people that undergo this eye surgery regain complete vision after surgery.

Pneumatic Retinopexy

Patients with minor retinal detachments are good candidates for this minimally invasive technique performed in the office using local anesthesia. During pneumatic retinopexy, your retina surgeon injects a gas bubble inside the vitreous cavity of the eye, which pushes the detached retina against the back wall of the eye to ultimately seal the retinal tear. Patients may be required to maintain a certain head position to aid in the sealing of the retina tear.

Retinal detachments can be stressful, let us help.
Schedule a consultation today!

Thomas Eye Group