Glaucoma Specialist & Cataract Specialist

Ninita Brown, M.D. Ph.D. is a board-certified ophthalmologist with specialty areas in glaucoma and cataract surgery.

Before joining the team at Thomas Eye Group, Dr. Brown completed a two-year glaucoma fellowship at Duke University. Prior to that, she completed a residency in ophthalmology at Howard University after serving an internship at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center. 

She earned a bachelor of science degree in mathematics at Spelman College and a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering at Georgia Tech. Her medical doctorate (M.D.) is from Duke University where she earned a doctorate of philosophy (Ph.D.) in biomedical engineering. She is a member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Brown serves patients at the Hillandale and Newnan locations. 

Thomas Eye Group